Seraglob by Bioswisstec AG +41 52 620 33 44 | Fax +41 52 620 33 45


DNA Ladders


S 39001
S 39005
DNA Marker-Leitern-DNA
Cot I Humane DNA
COT I Human DNA is prepared from human placental DNA by shearing, denaturing, and reannealing under conditions that enrich these repetitive elements.
The product is prepared from male human placental DNA, exclusively.
The COT I DNA fraction of human genomic DNA consists largely of rapidly annealing repetitive elements. These interspersed repetitive sequences (IRS), such as SINEs (small interspersed repetitive elements, e.g., Alu elements) and LINEs (large interspersed repetitive elements, e.g., L1 elements),are distributed ubiquitously throughout the genome.
In situ suppression (CISS) hybridizations
– Hybridization to micro-arrays
– Other In situ hybridizations
– Filter hybridizations
Manual Price List

S 3900001DNA Ladder 50µgS 3900002 5x 50µgDNA/RNA Ladder The LowRange 10 bp DNS Marker Seraglob’s LowRange DNA-Ladder is composed of 11 chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments which are re-dissolved.Manual PriceList

S 390000350 bp DNA Ladder ready-to use 50m µgS 3900004 5x 50m µgDNA/RNA Ladder ready to use 50 bp A unique combination of PCR products and a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 16 fragments, suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 50-1,500 base pairs. The 200 and 500 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size.Manual PriceList

S 3900005DNA Ladder all for one 500 µlS 3900006 5×500 µl/86µlDNA/RNA Ladder A unique combination of a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes and PCR products to yield 19 fragments, suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 100-10,000 base pairs. The 500, 1.5K and 3K bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size.Manual PriceList

S 390000950 dp DNA Ladder 50 µg no DyeS3900010 5×50 µgDNA/RNA Ladder no Dye 50 bp Seraglob’s 50 bp DNA Marker is composed of 11 individual DNA fragments which are re-dissolved in storage buffer.
The 50 bp DNA Ladder was designed for precise qualitative and approximatly quantification of DNA mass. There are no unspecific bands besides the fragments. For easy use the 500bp fragment is used a reference band.
Manual PriceList

S 3904-105100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder 500 µl /50 µgS 3904-125 5×50 µgDNA/RNA Ladderie 100 bp Plus Blue The DNA marker consists of proprietary plasmids which are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 11 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The digested DNA includes fragments ranging from 100 – 1500 base pairs. The 500 bp fragment and the 1000 bp fragment are present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are blunt-ended. The 100 PLUS DNA marker was designed for precise qualitative and approximately quantification of DNA mass. There are no unspecific bands besides the fragments.Manual PriceList

S 3904-005 100 bp DNA Ladder 50 µlS 3904-025 5×50 µlDNA/RNA Ladder 100 bp The 100 bp DNA Ladder has a number of proprietary plasmids which are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 10 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The 100 bp DNA Ladder was designed for precise qualitative and approximately quantification of DNA mass. There are no unspecific bands besides the fragments. The 500bp fragment is used a reference band.Manual PriceList

S 3905-0051 kb/1000 bp DNA 50 µgS 3905-025 5×50 µgDNA/RNA Leitern/Ladder Die 1000 bp The 1 kb ladder BLUE is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight marker containing a dye which serves as visual aids to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA marker consists of proprietary plasmids which are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 13 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis that range in size from 250 to 10.000 base pairs. The 1.000 bp and 3.000 bp fragments have increased intensity relative to the other bands on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels and serve as reference indicators. All fragments are blunt-ended.Manual PriceList

S 3905-105 1 kb DNA Ladder Blue (ready to use,50 µg/ 500 µlS 3505-125 5×50 µgDNA/RNA Ladder 1000 bp The 1000 bp/1 kb DNA Ladder has a number of proprietary plasmids which are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 13 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The 1000 bp/1 kb DNA Ladder was designed for precise qualitative and approximately quantification of DNA mass. There are no unspecific bands besides the fragments. The 500 bp, 1000 bp and 3000 bp fragment are used as reference band.

